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Research Group




Understanding global biogeochemical cycling requires upscaling of point measurements, modeling of process rates, and development of theory regarding how ecosystems function. We use a combination of observations, isotopic techniques, computational modeling, and theoretical research in order to contribute to an understanding of biogeochemical cycling at the global scale. This work includes using isotopes to understand denitrification losses, developing a framework for nitrogen fixation in soils, and contributing to science on undetected sources of nitrogen to terrestrial ecosystems.


Selected publications:

  • Houlton, B. Z. and Bai, E.*, Imprint of denitrifying bacteria on the global terrestrial biosphere. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (51), 21713 - 21716 (2009). ***(Biology Faculty of 1000 selection)***

  • Houlton, B. Z., Wang, Y. P., Vitousek, P. M., and Field, C. B., A unifying framework for dinitrogen fixation in the terrestrial biosphere. Nature 454 (7202), 327-U34 (2008). ***(Biology Faculty of 1000 selection)***

  • Morford, S., Houlton, B. Z. and Dahlgren, R. A., Increased forest nitrogen and carbon storage from nitrogen-rich bedrock. Nature 477, 78-81 (2011). ***(Elizabeth Sulzman Award for best paper published in the Biogeosciences by a non-doctoral (i.e., Morford) scientist)(Biology Faculty of 1000 selection)***


Twitter: @Ben_Houlton

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